Saliva Lick feeding has become a proven and very widely accepted and utilised method of controlling feed rates to stock.
Compared to trail feeding, there is almost no wasted feed and paddocks remain clean and uncontaminated. Savings in feed alone are usually very significant.
The principle is quite simple in that the animal relies on a wet tongue to get the feed from the gap between the upper and lower adjusters in the feed area. Once their tongue dries out, they will give up, allowing access to others. In a short time, the rush mentality trail feeding will change and a more orderly less stressful feeding rageme will take over, as the animals become accustomed to feed always being available in the feeder. They will be less stressed and happier to graze, rest and drink.
The saliva lick system is effective in Sheep, Lamb, Cattle and Calves with the only difference being the depth of the lower feed adjuster used for cattle.
In addition, Feed Boss feeders can be used as ad-lib feeders with a very simple change to the standard lick configuration.